Membership Registration
Free to registation with phone number to become KE Consol member

When customer need to fill in receiving address, customer can login to KE consol page. According to warehouse address, customer can copy all information and paste to the shopping website.
Every customer have specific code, so customer need to copy the whole information into e-commerce platform.
**For website page, customer login to member page then customer can selet different country warehouse information
**For app, after customer login to KE consol app. Customer can get in to "Warehouse address" to get different country warehouse information

Register and consolidate parcel
When your parcel is dispatched by the seller of the e-commerce platform, please notify us by registering the relevant shipment order no. :
KE Consol Member Centre > Claim > Register parcel > Done
When the parcel arrvied to warehouse, you can consolidate parcel by below path:
Click “Consolidate Now” > Choose shipment recerive method > Confirm Order

Upon successful submission of the order, KE Consol will generate an order no.,
Customer should pay the shipment fees as below path:
Order > Unpaid > Choose the unpaid order > Choose payment method > Click “Pay Now”